The Busy Creator Podcast With Prescott Perez-fox - Conversations On Creative Culture, Workflow & Productivity

The Busy Creator 36, Intellectual Property & Legal Issues for Creative Pros with Attorney & Educator Kelley Keller



  Kelley Keller (@KelleyKeller) is an Intellectual Property Attorney & Education, and founder of The Keller Law Firm. She’s also the creator of Innovation to Profits, an online educational resource for anyone with creative, valuable ideas. This legal-focused conversation discusses the types of IP, how portfolios must be handled, competition in the age of the Internet, Fair Use, and other legal matters important for creative pros in business.   Show Notes & Links F.U.D. Intellectual Property, a definition IP is “controlling the movement of knowledge throughout the marketplace” ← Click to Tweet Types of IP: Brand Names/Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Trade Secrets The Coca-Cola formula, the world’s most famous Trade Secret The Portfolio, a body of work for a creative pro Work-for-hire relationship (common for employees) Employer owns the work, employees need permission Non-compete and non-solicitation agreements are governed by Employment Law, at the State level “An ounce of prevention is worth a pou