Hsp Sos

HSP SOS #31 - Perfecting Perfection



Have you ever been called a perfectionist? Do you worry endlessly about getting things right? In this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and the Captain talk about why highly sensitive people have a tendency to exhibit traits of perfectionism. They also discuss healthy types of perfectionism vs. destructive forms and share their personal perspectives on their own perfectionistic qualities. It's possible that you aren't as bad as you believe, or as ridiculous as others have made you feel, in regards to your own brand of perfectionism. ---- Resources -"What Flavor of Perfectionist Are You?  It Matters!" by Dr. Timothy A Pychyl https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dont-delay/200804/what-flavor-perfectionist-are-you-it-matters   -"How Other-Oriented Perfectionism Differs from Self-Oriented and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism: Further Findings" by J. Stoeber http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10862-015-9485-y   -"In The Not-Worth-An-Entire-Article Department: Some Thoughts on Perfectionism" by Dr. Elaine Aro