Go Solo Live

EP 005 No Man? No Problem



Walker Thornton is a sex educator, writer, and speaker with a Masters in Educational Psychology, and she speaks extensively on midlife sexuality. This episode dives full in on what it's like being over 60 with no life partner in sight. At the end of the day, it's about the stories we tell ourselves and that can sometimes get in the way of who we truly are as people. Coming from a small town, Walker was often shamed into thinking her way of being was wrong and that her self-worth was only defined by a man. Solo travel has given Walker a new story to tell herself and a new-found acceptance of who she is.   Key Takeaways: *Where was Walker in her life when she decided to travel alone? *Walker took her first trip for her 60th birthday. *There's such a stigma for women who want to travel alone. *Why did Walker choose to visit Santa Fe, New Mexico on her 60th birthday? *There is a sense of vulnerability when you travel alone. It's still there no matter how old you get. *Why did Walker travel to New York City? *Walk