Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

043: Work-Life Flexibility for Women with Kathryn Sollmann



Let's Fix Work is underwritten by WorkHuman, sponsored by Globoforce.​ Visit WorkHuman.com and use code WorkHumanLFW for a $100 off discount. When I think of today’s guest, I think of her as a superb expert in career advice. I am happy to welcome to Let’s Fix Work, Kathryn Sollmann. Kathryn is a speaker, coach, and author.  In her new book, Ambition Redefined, she encourages independence from “lean-in” and “break the glass ceiling” language. She wants you to find your own brand of ambition and success, take advantage of today's more flexible workplace, and chart alternative career paths that accommodate and fund the life that you want and you deserve. One of Kathryn’s missions is to show women that there is a lot of flexibility to be found in the workforce today. So if you want to find balance but don't know where to start, and if you deal with childcare issues or aging parents and you're sick of the way the rat race doesn't take care of you, then sit back and listen to this episode of Let’s Fix Work.   In