Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

025: Become a Superconnector with Ryan Paugh



When kindred spirits come together in a community, ideas and dreams blossom, passion gets amplified, accountability and empowerment surges, and the problems? Well, they become less daunting. In this episode, Laurie has a great conversation with a dear friend, a cult legend in the online-community building world, Ryan Paugh. Laurie and Ryan share how they met, what Ryan’s role is as a community builder, and why communities are essential in fixing the broken wheel that is work. After a few years of working for corporate America, Ryan dove into the startup arena where he felt his passion for helping others would contribute more - this was his first step in his epic entrepreneurial journey. He created Brazen Careerist, which started out as a community for young professionals looking to find their place in the corporate world, where they can find answers and support from peers and other like-minded individuals. Long story short, Brazen was a success but eventually rebranded into an SAS technology product, which