Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

006: #MeToo, the Gig Economy, and Robots with Àine Cain of Business Insider



Wanna know why work sucks? Ask Àine Cain. She’s a careers and employment reporter for Business Insider, and her experience covering multiple workplaces gives her a unique insight into what makes a great – or terrible – place to work. From the #MeToo movement to the gig economy, and lotus-eaters to a robot invasion, Laurie and Àine talk about the current state of work and its future. Are there still great places to work? Yes, but don’t be lured by ‘perks’ companies. Àine explains what they are and why they create a culture of complacency and wasting away. According to a Gallup poll, nearly 70% of employees aren’t engaged at work, and naturally, these employees blame their managers. There’s an argument there to be made, but Àine points at two of the major themes she sees frequently, and it’s not managers. What makes a place great to work at? Àine has a lovely acronym to explain what companies are doing right. CCE – co-workers, compensation, engagement. She explains what each of them means. The #MeToo movement