Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

004: Be the Change at Work with Amanda Hite



With all the wisdom out there about creating a great culture at work, you might think companies would have it well in hand by now. Unless you actually work in one of those companies. Creating a great culture at work isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it’s up to you to be the change you want to see. This week's guest Amanda Hite explains how to be the change at work. One of the best things companies can do is to treat their employees like humans who have lives, families, responsibilities, and interests. At the same time, knowing this can also open people up to other difficulties. Amanda shares the story of being offered a promotion as long as she promised NOT to talk about her LGBT lifestyle. When you look at different companies across the globe in terms of culture problems, you see themes emerge. Amanda shares some of these themes, the most prevalent being the generational gaps and how quickly the world is changing. The old regimes are threatened by the highly intelligent younger generation stepping in. L