Square Peg Round Hole Small Business Massive Action

EP 62: Sales Tips to go from the Tank to the Top in Your Small Business



Do you avoid doing sales? Are your sales efforts not working out? Or are you a new small business struggling to make those first sales? Carole Mahoney, Sales Change Agent & Coach at Unbound Growth can help you overcome many of the obstacles in sales for your small business. She speaks to Matt and Dan about her journey from hating sales and wanting to “eliminate” them to realizing how important sales is to any business and working directly with business to turn their marketing leads into viable sales. Carole is the Founder and Chief Sales Coach at Unbound Growth where she helps business and salespeople take massive action to grow their sales. She helps startup entrepreneurs who are unsure of how take their product to market and get customers, small business owners who are struggling to make ends meet free up cash flow with faster sales and reduced collections by getting more ideal customers, founders to grow their business by keeping more customers and increasing referrals, executives who don't have 'sales