Hello, Creeps!

Hello, Creeps! Episode 131: Weekend at Bernie's 3: Manolito Gear Solid



What happens when The Creeps get sucked into The Phantom Zone that is 2020 and the last two months only feel like a couple weeks went by? We get yelled at by listeners to put out a new episode because they think we died. Don't worry! We're only dead on the inside. We also though the last episode we dropped was legit 2 weeks ago. 2020 is real fucking weird, man. Time is meaningless. Thankfully, Coral and Fre are back with tales of supermarket deaths and grave diggin'! Do they somehow connect the stories to Weekend at Bernies? Does someone randomly bring up Captain America's dick? Do we get off track and discuss the importance of Napalm Death in the Indonesian grindcore scene? Of course! It's Hello, Creeps!