Jason Hartman In The Hot Seat

59: Insider Secrets That'll Make You Money! (REVEALED) with George Gammons, Part 1



Jason Hartman and George Gammon join forces to discuss how to make money with real estate. Jason Hartman has been involved with real estate since the age of 16! Since then he's become a self made real estate investing millionaire, owned properties in several states and cities, and is the host of the mega popular "Creating Wealth Show with Jason Hartman." In the interview Jason reveals some of his best tips and sure fire ways to make money in real estate investing. George is a huge fan of small cash flowing rental properties in very select markets in the US where prices are still sane. Jason Hartman sees things the exact same way. So much so, it's how he invests his own money. Jason Hartman isn't a "guru" he's an experienced pro with decades of real world experience. In this episode the two specifically discuss many of the questions George gets on the live streams and in the comments. Questions like: 1. What's the difference between bubble markets like LA, Seattle and markets like KC? How can housing be in a b