Tell Me Stories Podcast With Paula Allen

USS: Ashley & The Human Kebab



Podcasting, for me, has always been a saving grace. It is the thing that's pulled me from the depths in so many ways, I know I would be lost, in many ways, without it. When I sit knee to knee, in my little podcast trailer, lovingly crafted with my husband and painstakingly placed at festivals dotting the province by my dad or husband and me, it all falls into place. The anxiety I feel as a near constant, melts. The fear ebbs. The lights balance and I get to just ask artists about their story. That's all I've ever really wanted in a creative pursuit. What I've gained from the incredibly simple "tell me a story" format with these individuals is beyond measure. It is, quite simply, saving grace.  Ashley Buchholz and Jason "the Human Kebab" Parsons are the duo of USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker, aptly named having now met Ashley) and they've been touring non stop for MONTHS and working their butts off for YEARS to get where they are and they aren't stopping for a breath.  In this interview you will hear stories, j