Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

131 Is it time for change, for your next chapter?



At the end of 2020 I was all tapped out creatively. I’d finally set my book free in the world, meeting a huge personal goal and I needed to allow myself time and space to just be for a while. I did have to battle a little with an inner critic who, in her inimitable judgmental way, assured me I’d disappear into obscurity if I dared to put my pen down awhile. I chose not to listen, allowed myself space to regroup and this new 10 part interview series all about change is the result several months later. It also coincides with a fresh chapter for me – a new online home that reflects my equal focus on strategy and self-worth.   Show Notes Business change comes in evolutions.   Buckling under and following the “rules” to continually crank out content and stay visible is just not sustainable. Taking a creative break is often the best thing you can do, so give yourself permission to step back if you need too, especially in the weird world that COVID 19 has thrust upon us   Belief buddies are vital - they can he