Worth It

83: Adulting 101 Series: Life



You’ve heard us talk about housing. You’ve heard us talk about transportation. Now, we’re talking about life. Not like the heavy “What is life?” stuff… just the money side of it. Do you know how much you spend on “life,” i.e. dining out, clothing, Netflix and chill sessions, vacations, etc.? Do you ever wonder if you should really be spending that much money on yourself? You’re not alone. That’s why, on this episode of Worth It, we’re talking about the “life” category of your spending: how much you should be spending… and how much you should be saving.    WHAT YOU’LL LEARN [00:41] What is included in the “life” category of your expenses [03:41] Why it’s so easy to spend more as you earn more  [05:20 The concept of business longevity  [06:42] What’s happening in our generation when it comes to saving/spending [07:36] What the Law of Attraction has to do with your finances [09:18] How abundance and scarcity mindset affects your “life” spending [10:23] The risk of “abundance mindset” as it relates