Worth It

81: Adulting 101 Series: Housing



#Adulting: how many times have you seen that hashtag, or even said it aloud? We’re sure it makes older generations roll their eyes, but that’s alright. We know that adulting can feel hard, but we don’t think it has to be that way. That’s why we’re committing this little mini-series to all of you out there trying to “adult.” And as part of our #Adulting 101 Series, we’re diving straight into the deep-end, talking about housing.   BUYING A HOUSE — EEEK! Just thinking about buying a home can make a Millennial break out in sweats — or at least, that’s how the media makes it sound. But we know better. We know that student loan debt, ridiculous living expenses, and job insecurity all play a role in someone’s ability (and interest) in buying a house. But beyond that, we think that sometimes people just don’t have the resources they need to pull off possibly the biggest #Adulting trick: buying a house. If you’re in a place where the thought of buying a house has crossed your mind, or you’re wondering when in the worl