Worth It

54: When to Consider Hiring an Executive Coach, with Kevin Wilkins



Have you ever thought of hiring an executive coach? Are you curious to find out more about what an executive coach does and how they can help you? Kevin Wilkins is the founder of Trepwise, a New Orleans based growth consulting firm that offers executive coaching to businesses, nonprofits, and individuals across all sectors of life. Kevin teaches us how to choose a coach, what questions to ask, and when is the best time to think about hiring an executive coach. Learn all about how you can improve yourself with coaching on this episode of Worth It. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] Why did he start Trepwise? [6:50] When is the right time to get a coach? [12:04] Its an act of strength to ask for help [14:12] What is the first step in coaching? [17:17] How do you choose a coach? [21:29] The first step is self-awareness [24:09] How long does the coaching relationship last? [26:07] What is the time commitment of coaching? [31:24] New Orleans is an incubator for entrepreneurs [40:33] Success comes from the journey W