Worth It

53: How to Start a Life Tax Fund



  Are you one of the ⅔ of Americans that can’t cover the costs of a $1000 emergency? That is such a scary number, but it’s not surprising given that half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. To add insult to injury most of us are living above our means. There is a constant pressure in our society to live beyond our means. From advertising to social media to simply talking with friends and neighbors we feel a constant pressure to keep up with everyone else. But if you don’t start saving now you’ll miss out on the opportunity to feel financially secure in the future you could even miss out on the opportunity to stop working and retire. Listen to this episode to hear how easy it is to start a life tax fund, your finances will thank you and so will your future self! Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] Half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck [5:30] Some simple things you can do to better your financial situation [8:32] Start a life tax fund [10:49] What are the benefits of having a life tax fund? [15:42] What