Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Holiday Budgeting – Going All Out Without Going Broke



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble  The holiday season is fast approaching. Christmas is less than 3months away! Are you feeling the pinch this year? Have you vowed to cut back on your holiday spending, but you know from past years that won’t happen? Kathy takes you through some practical financial tips and planning ideas to make your upcoming holiday season more joyful and less stressful.   Kathy’s Book: All Ladies Should Use the F-Word: A Guide to Loving Your Finances Purchase on       *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Financially Speaking ~ Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, everyone you talk to, money appears. Either in conversation, in thoughts, in dreams, in stress, in arguments and in planning. Money is the one commodity that everyone can universally agree that they all need. Most people navigate through their lives not really understanding how money works or how to keep more of it.