Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

Alastair Humphreys | The Surprising Truth about Cycling Around the World



Wonder what it takes to be named National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year? In this episode of Unbecoming, I talk to adventurer extraordinaire, Alastair Humphreys, who has walked across southern India, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, run six marathons through the Sahara desert, completed a crossing of Iceland, busked through Spain and participated in an expedition in the Arctic, close to the magnetic North Pole. So what happens when the ultimate adventurer is tired of seeking the next bigger, better thing? What does he do when he’s ticked all the big things off his bucket list? Falls behind on his book-a-year commitment after 11 years? Or wants to settle down and raise a family? Find out on this episode.   This is one of the most exhilarating interviews to date. We know not everyone is cut out for his kind of life. Some people have 9-5 jobs, while others of us are growing businesses.   Alastair challenges us to take on “micro adventures”, and the ideas he shares might inspire you to get a bit more creativ