Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

108: If You Find the Right DIET Will Your Life Really START? 3 Truths for Christian Women.



Searching for the right diet so you can finally start your life? Is it really possible to find that right one? You’re in for a surprise as I share three truths for Christian women when it comes to believing that they need to find the right diet in order for their life to finally start. These are truths that you may have forgotten about but it’s alright because I got you covered! Grab a notebook and take note of the three truths in this episode. For His honor & glory, Jaclyn ************* Obsessing about your weight and unhappy being in your skin? Do you hate what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Maybe you’re starving your body or bullying your body. Are you working out all week long but then finding yourself binging on the weekends? Do you believe that getting that new diet and health bible study is the solution to your food issues as a Christian woman?... Maybe you don’t even call it food issues because everyone else around you has the same issues so it must be “