Marriage University With Tina Haisman

Managing Your Mind For Your Marriage



My client Katie’s husband ditched her on date night. She was hurt and angry. She wanted to talk with him about it, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good coming from a place of anger and frustration. But she couldn’t let it go. So we worked together to create the mental space for her to have that meaningful conversation with him, and as a result, they could both walk away from the experience as a bonding opportunity, instead of a damaging one. Tune in to learn how you can apply this tool to your marriage for more peace, understanding and intimacy. I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! And don't forget to join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!