Adam Fortais

Random Walk 2.2 - Gamer's Guide to Ecology, Sonar-Busting Moth Wings, Cosmic Rays and Electronics



Ok! This week, we are talking about risk, reward, probability, and money: If you were a moth, how would you protect yourself from predators? Researchers from Bristol have recently discovered a built-in strategy that keeps some moths safe from echolocation-based attacks. Wait, let me try that again. RESEARCHERS FIND NEW TECHNIQUE TO SURVIVE THE NIGHT. BATS HATE IT! Video games can be hard, but maybe it’s not your fault you can’t make it past the water temple. ARE COSMIC RAYS MAKING YOU LOSE AT VIDEOGAMES? Actually, the story is about someone winning big. But it could work either way. You’ll see. I’m out of clickbait ideas for this one. Ontario universities have moved to “performance-based” funding. Too-little-too-late for Laurentian, but… hold on, what the heck does that even mean? How do ontario universities get their funding anyhow? And my favorite segment, Jessie brings you the Gamer’s Guide to Ecology. That’s it for this episode. If you have comments or questions, find me on Twitter at AdamFortais or