She Can. She Did.

Episode 5 - with Latticia Morapedi, Founder of Latticia Organics



I was introduced to this week's guest by the incredible Gemma Harling who features on the last series of this podcast and knew straight away that if Gemma's saying that today's guest is one to watch, I had to get her on to this podcast to find out more about her story. The woman in question is Latticia Morapedi, the Birmingham-based Founder of Latticia Organics, organic skincare and lifestyle products that were inspired by her own skin troubles and an understanding that there had to be another way to care for her skin without relying on products populated with synthetics. From the early days where she handed out samples to her friends at her own baby shower and how she's grown the brand sustainably ever since, to how she held her nerve for two years when she took time out to rebrand properly and the various challenges that she encountered behind the scenes, she was a complete joy to chat to, I'm in awe of her resilience... This is Latticia's story so far.Say hello to our new sponsor, Pleo...The