Steele Wars : Star Wars Podcast

Ep 069 : Warwick Holt - CLASSIC CLIP - With fan hype at fever pitch, a timely chat about The PhanDom Menace Documentary



Warick Holt was co-director and producer of the seminal Australian Star Wars documentary The PhanDom Menace which followed the hype heading towards The Phantom Menace and stared previous Steele Wars guests Shane Morrissey, Darren Maxwell & Chris Brennan. With under two weeks before The Force Awakens, I thought it would be timely to chat with Warwick about the fan expectations leading into The Phantom Menace and how it compares our red hot anticipation for the new film. WATCH THE PHANDOM MENACE FREECLASSIC EPISODE SIZZLE!TO HEAR THE FULL EPISODE AND HUNDREDS OF SUPPORTER EXCLUSIVE EPISODES BECOME A STEELE WARS SUPPORTER ON PATREON! Enjoy all our bonus shows and full back catalogue direct to the podcast player or app of your choice while ensuring the continuing production of the Steele Wars Star Wars podcast.Bonus content shows include Making Steele Wars, Steele Wars Live Movie Commentaries, Live Call In Bonus Show, Patreon Q&A Show, full length insert f