Steele Wars : Star Wars Podcast

Ep 030 - Your questions answered - CLASSIC CLIP - Steele answers your Star Wars questions while driving to Adelaide



Steele answers listener submitted Star Wars questions as he makes the 8 hour drive to Adelaide!Subjects include Star Wars Ring Theory, Fan Films, Stand Alone Films, The Planet Of The Hoojibs, Star Wars road kill , Ric Ollie, Kylo Ren, Midichlorians, Trav Nash's acid taking Phantom Menace loving mate and much more!CLASSIC EPISODE SIZZLE!TO HEAR THE FULL EPISODE AND HUNDREDS OF SUPPORTER EXCLUSIVE EPISODES BECOME A STEELE WARS SUPPORTER ON PATREON! Enjoy all our bonus shows and full back catalogue direct to the podcast player or app of your choice while ensuring the continuing production of the Steele Wars Star Wars podcast.Bonus content shows include Making Steele Wars, Steele Wars Live Movie Commentaries, Live Call In Bonus Show, Patreon Q&A Show, full length insert free versions of all Steele Wars episodes and Gonk & Steele's Trash Compactor (when Gonk isn't so busy) LIVE AND PARTICPATE IN THE STEELE WARS CALL IN SHOWSTREAMLIVE