Cooper Brunner Podcast

#33 Setting Up a Morning Routine For Success



Two reasons I start my morning with a workoutAverage person usually gets up around 7am. By 7, my hardest part of my day is already  over, I get it done before 7:00am. Guess how that makes me feel? Like a bad ass, and NOW, I am ready to tackle my day, I’m in my peak mindset and ready to put out any fires I have to deal with during the day. It’s really important to start your day with a body/mind connection, I know that sounds like a load of garbage or sounds super cliche (it actually makes me want to throw up a little bit to say it haha) but it’s super fucking true. Had I not worked out, I don’t feel like I’m on my A-Game and feel like I’m reacting to things, reacting to notifications on my phone, not allowing myself to get into my peak state or ideal mindset for the day. After my workout I think faster, think quicker, more productive for my day.The workout gets me “in the zone”“Controlled chaos” Working out in the morning is the hardest part of  my day. And after finishing the hardest part of my day, everythi