Tahmina Talks Immigration

Immigration w/Tahmina @Desi1250- 1/ 19 /16 - w/Vivek Wadhwa



On our second show of 2016, we talk to notable academic, entrepreneur, author and think tank Vivek Wadhwa. Wadhwa was one of the first vocal advocates for a Startup Visa in the US. His book The Immigrant Exodus was the first that discussed the reverse brain drain issue. We are honored and privileged to have had the opportunity to speak with him. I hope you will enjoy this insightful discussion. Also on this show, we report on breaking news that the Supreme Court will hear the DACA/DAPA case. The case is about allowing undocumented people work authorization through executive action. Thank you to Vivek Wadhwa for joining us! Stay tuned for next week's show which promises to be exciting also. Thanks for listening!