Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

136 You get to choose your identity – the power of adaptability



Deb Vawdrey knew she had given her all in her marriage. Her realisation that she needed to move on after almost 30 years was not a snap decision. Although she was filled with fear, she was absolutely clear - it was time to step into a new chapter. And when Deb released herself from the paradigm she had known for so long, she absolutely blossomed. In this conversation, Deb shares her experiences, the role that spiritual connection and community played in her growth, her ability to listen to her inner voice, and how these all combined to transform her the multi-dimensional Yogi and businesswoman that she is today. I hope you find this episode as encouraging and energising as I did.   Show Notes   I gave myself permission to pursue what most called me I’ve not had an immediate aha moment – my change arc has been, and still is, a slow burn which is fine as I don’t have a use-by date! I know the emotional exhaustion of being the only person making the effort in a relationship, feeling like it’s an uphill battle t