Rothko Chapel

Defending & Advancing the Rights of Immigrants 10.13.21



Charles Kamasaki (Unidos US) & Sister Norma Pimentel (Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley) engaged in a timely conversation exploring immigrants' rights in the US, including how they have historically been understood and changed over time, and the current policy decisions that drive today's US immigration issues. Charles Kamasaki shared a national perspective and Sister Norma Pimentel gave first hand accounts of what is happening at the Texas-Mexico border, including the impact of these policies on thousands of families each year. Their addresses were followed by a moderated conversation with Q&A facilitated by Frances Valdez, Executive Director of Houston in Action. About the Presenters Charles Kamasaki is Senior Cabinet Advisor of UnidosUS, formerly the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). Previously the Executive Vice President of NCLR, Kamasaki for two decades managed the group’s research, policy analysis, and advocacy activity. He has authored, co-authored, and supervised the preparation of dozen