Ballet Uncovered ~ Balancing Pointe Podcast

29 - Melanie Atkins Varga, Boston Ballet - Part One



Melanie Atkins Varga is a full time faculty member at the Boston Ballet School as well as the company's Childrens Ballet Mistress. Melanie's teaches dancers from the pre-professional division all the way through to the trainees.  Melanie trained at Walnut Hill School of the Arts after her family moved from England to Massachusetts. After graduating high school Melanie trained at the School of American Ballet in New York City before being chosen by Suzanne Farrell and Paul Mejia to join Mejia's company in Fort Worth Texas. After a few years of training and performing under this acclaimed master teacher, Melanie joined the Miami City Ballet where she quickly moved through the ranks to Principal. After many successful years with Miami City Ballet, Melanie moved to Alberta Canada to join Artistic Director Mikko Nissinen Within a few days of moving to Canada, Melanie learned that Mikko Nissinen was moving to Boston Ballet as their new Artistic Director. Mr. Nissinen asked Melanie to join him in Boston. While in Al