Speaking Of Hungry

72. The Diet-Free Revolution with Alexis Conason



In this latest episode I chat with NYC-based psychologist, Alexis Conason, about her approach to living diet-free that she writes about in her book, The Diet Free Revolution.  Alexis specializes in eating disorders in her private practice and is also the founder of The Anti-Diet Plan, a weight-inclusive online mindful eating program.  In this episode we chat about: the 10 steps outlined in her book to help free yourself from the diet on, diet off-cycle;  goals she sets with her clients that have nothing to do with weight;  how diet culture is punishing; what we can do to be more compassionate to ourselves and our bodies when we are less than thrilled with our body shape and size; how we can bring acceptance into our lives; using meditation as a coping strategy (and no, it doesn't need to be a perfect practice!); and more ... !! Check out this episode to gain more insight and clarity on how you can slowly pull yourself away from dieting.  Mentioned in this episode:  The Diet-Free Revolution The Anti-Diet Pla