Mike Kane Cast

Episode 56: Shaun Martens



New Episode of the Mike Kane Cast Shaun Martens - The Veteran Presence anchor.fm/mikekanecast iTunes | Android | Spotify Alberta, Canada's Shaun Martens is both a young man and an established veteran. With over 15 years in the wrestling business, he is known for a rare combination of gritty toughness and star power flair. We talk about Shaun's early influences, his love of judo, the long Canadian road trips and more. Visit Shaun on social media and get more info on live dates: FB: ​Shaun Martens | Facebook IG: @headlineshaunmartens TW: @shaunmartens Get your Shaun Martens swag here: Official Merchandise Page of Headline Shaun Martens (prowrestlingtees.com) Say hello to Mike at mikekanecast@gmail.com