Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 1976



For reasons that we'll get into in the next episode, the plan had been to start this series in 1977. But that was always a bit misleading as it started with events that happened at the end of the year before. So what was the background, context and the general state of play that lead up to those events? The music of the mid 70s was disco, glam rock and sickly pop ballads. As 1976 begins, Gerald Ford is president of the United States, Harold Wilson is British prime-minister and leader of the Labor Party, Ted Heath leads the Tories and Jeremy Thorpe the Liberals. Women are being attacked in northern England by what appears to be a single person, the violence escalating to a first murder in 1975. But I was 10 years old and oblivious to all of this. I attended Northleach C of E Primary School in the Gloucestershire, Cotswold country side and my main interests lay in climbing trees, convincing my mum to let me have jeans with flares and seeing what they got up to on Blue Peter.