Restless Native

116: Firearms Historian, Logan Metesh



However well you think you know firearms or history, or firearms history, today’s guest has you beat. I mean, probably. Today I have Logan Metesh on the show, and he has a degree in, is trained in, and makes his living in history. No, not like, he used to. That’s what he does for a living—talk about history. He found a way to tie his passion for American history back to the firearms industry, and today we’re talking about just how he did that, some amazing pieces he has seen, and how he is likely one of the only people to know what it was like to sit in the seat where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Wow. We also have some discussion around American’s seeming inability to have discussion. I ask Logan the big question of, is history doomed to repeat itself?Stick around for the answer. High Caliber History WebsiteHigh Caliber History Podcast