Restless Native

101: Songwriter, Hunter & Angler, Charles Wesley Godwin



On this show, we have one of the best songwriters to have emerged in quite some time.  And, he’s a bowhunter, passionate angler and good ol’ mountain man from the hills of West Virginia. Wesley Godwin is the real deal. I’ve been a passionate fan of his since March of 2019. His album Seneca was among my heaviest of rotations last year, and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing him in concert a few times now.Today, we talk a bit about his music, and he shares several hunting and fishing tales. We also talk about this strange world we’re living in, and get his take on it. It’s a really humbled conversation. Charles will wrap up today’s show with a few songs. As my buddy and fellow musician Dave Shoemaker once said, Charles Wesley Godwin’s voice is pure velvety perfection.Restless Native is brought to you by GoWildDownload GoWild today. Join a community of shooters, hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. by Alexis FayeShow NotesCharle