Restless Native

94: Suicide Bomb Survivor, Veteran & Hunter, Braxton McCoy



“If you count my equipment, I got hit by 81 ball bearings. In my body, I had 50-something holes. It’s like getting shot with a giant shotgun. I woke up face down. My bell was rung. I felt like I was under water. I got myself propped up onto my right elbow. I could tell something was wrong with my hand but couldn’t move it.”— Braxton McCoy What do suicide bombers, hyenas, horse training and Maxim magazines falling from the sky have in common? They’re all a part of Braxton McCoy's journey. This podcast is kind of insane. I’m honored to share this story, really. Braxton McCoy brought an incredible story, more so than I even thought possible. This podcast is about forced perspective. It will ground you in reality. And one of those realities, is that suffering is part of life. I was admittedly caught off guard at one point in this podcast. The gravity of Braxton’s situation back in 2006 honestly made me feel guilty. Which, in his wisdom, Braxton flied to show me why my guilt should really be gratitude. Show N