Women In The Business Arena

Just Breathe | Growth Tip #4



This episode continues to pull on the thread of growth as a removal process. When we set aside everything else, what’s left is ourselves, our values, and our breath. Listening to our bodies and focusing on simply breathing can help us remove the distractions, stress, and overwhelm we feel on a daily basis. Body and movement teacher Cass Ghiorse is here with simple practices for experiencing and reclaiming our breath. Are you ready to imagine a culture of women leaders who are fully embodied and unapologetic about their existence? So are we! Cass Ghiorse is a body integration teacher, breathwork facilitator and the founder of MIDLINE: a methodology that supports people in understanding and connecting to their core Self in essence and expression.  Join us as we discuss:  What it takes for a woman to go against the cultural grain, to be fully in her breath, fully in her body, and fully in her self-worth. The amazing tools we can access if we stop looking outside ourselves for more and embrace our own a