Crusade, Book 4 Of The Turner Chronicles

Crusade - 19



Depressed by his generalship, Ard Chuk thinks he is about to be demoted by Aaron. Instead, Aaron orders him to bring all Aaron's troops to New Beginning. Delmac and Lioth's relationship grows deeper as they reflect on their own shortcomings on an evening, bringing them to a realization of their love. Delmac's sleep is interrupted by Lioth's hand on his shoulder, followed by Lioth ghosting into the woods. She soon arrows some intruders. She did not do enough. Inside the camp, wagons explode, yells sound, and people die. In Aaron's encampment Melna enjoys a good bit of love making, falls asleep, and wakes to Aaron's touch. Unfortunately, Aaron was not her lover. Harvest Patton was. Strangely, Aaron does not seem angry. Instead, all she feels from his is a wave of love, the influence in him of the One God.