Crusade, Book 4 Of The Turner Chronicles

Crusade - 16



Sad times after the debacle. Aaron sits with his war council and accepts all blame for the failure when he is attacked by them. Missy attacks back, showing how the council members had ignored their responsibilities. Arguments ensue, ending when Missy admits to emptying all their bank accounts after realizing they were putting more money in than Aaron paid them. Most of the council are in Clack's pocket. A fight occurs where one unbribed member, Martha Hines, helps subdue or kill the traitors. It then turns out Martha was also there to betray killing him. She is a highly ranked assassin who had only waited for the right time, but then changed her mind because she felt he was in the right. She asks Aaron to reform her with all his other captured assassins. Later on, Aaron prays for the soul of Sammual Aybarra, turns clumsey about it, and finally asks his god to send Aybarra off to the god of their home world. He is answered with the knowledge that in all the worlds in all the universes there is only