Crusade, Book 4 Of The Turner Chronicles

Crusade - 10



We are back with Armand and Faith Crowley, traveling the seas to Halimut, where they plan on inserting themselves into the crusade. After getting off the ship (for which experience Faith plans foul revenge on her husband) They encounter Brenda Montpass yet again. When flirting with her Armand confesses to having seen both her and Roger Khante on the ship with them. Brenda tells Armad she is a liar and a spy...and gives him interesting information. She also informs him that she never told him she hadn't committed murder...he only assumed. Back in New Beginning Autumn is bored to death with make-work jobs. When a new visitor appears, Amanda Bivins, Autumn instantly quits one job to become a tour guide. The tour includes the cave, where Autumn both creates a problem and makes a tremendous discovery. Nobody before her, while traveling crouched over in the small tunnel, had looked up to see the entire ceiling is covered with intricate paintings, turning the cave from a minor curiosity to a major find. Much specula