Crusade, Book 4 Of The Turner Chronicles

Crusade - 08



After a runabout race Aaron and the archeologists, along with Delmac, go to the cave sight where Aaron gets a rundown on their findings, both disappointing and interesting. Delmac is amused by these new concepts, but disdainful of Laura Bainridge and her strange ways. Later, Aaron inspects the underground utility tunnels beneath New Beginning and explains why he wants to provide running water. At Aaron's urging, his foreman, Halifax, agres to give Autumn a job. After a run, Aaron has a disconcerting encounter with Laura Bainridge, one which leaves her laughing at him before explaining she and Edna have no real reason to be at the cave so they are coming with Aaron to a Chin camp, along with Delmac. They wish to study the Chins.