Purity Coaching With Jeff Fisher

08 - Purity Master Tips - HEALING AND WOUNDS



Jeff Fisher and Tom Daniels of PurityCoaching.com are building their Purity Master Course. In this podcast series hey take one topic a week and give you several big tips and action points for your own sexual purity journey. Years of purity experience pouring out to you. Jeff is available to help you with a Purity Consultation. It is a comprehensive purity assessment where we cover support, structure, strategy and spiritual life. Jeff will help you design a tailored purity plan, make recommendations and point you to resources that will help you focus. www.puritycoaching.com for more info. 21-Day Purity Jumpstart - Available on Amazon.com Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast, Season 5 - Available on www.puritydownloads.com Covenant Eyes Accountability Software - www.covenanteyes.com - Use the code PURITY at checkout Email: jeff@puritycoaching.com