Kinsella On Liberty

KOL184 | Intellectual Property is the Root of All Evil (PorcFest 2015)



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 184. Last month I attended PorcFest 2015 and delivered this talk on intellectual property. Video version below (followed by a lower quality version shot by James Cox). I also participated in a debate on anarchy and participated in a couple of radio shows (Ernie Hancock’s Freedom Phoenix and Free Talk Live). James Cox shot some other videos as well, which are up on his channel; a few of these are also embedded below. Porcfest 2015: The Root of All Evil (official PorcFest version) Lecture: Intellectual Property is the Root of All Evil: Porcfest 2015 (James Cox version)   Stephan Kinsella - Intellectual Property: The Root of All Evil Sign up or log in to save this event to your list and see who's attending! TweetShare In this talk, Kinsella explains that the most evil state policies and institutions include war, taxation, state provided education, central banking, the drug war — and intellectual property, or IP, namely patent and copyright law. In the modern a