Craftsman Founder With Lucas Carlson And Eliot Peper

#15 Espree Devora, Outsourcing for Entrepreneurs



This week’s interview is with Espree Devora. She is doing amazing work in LA helping startups get off the ground and we talk about one of her specialties: outsourcing. It is also a landmark episode, because it is the first show with co-host Eliot Peper. Eliot was on the second episode of this show. He is an awesome guy, a great thinker, a lot of fun and he writes startup fiction thrillers. He is about to come out with his second book. Lucas and Eliot have a fiction bond with each other and it goes a lot deeper. We discuss a book that has really caught my imagination lately: Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb I herd of the book before, but after hearing an interview with James Altucher, it really drew me in to finally pick up the book. Audio Podcast Here is just the audio for those who are interested in listening: iTunes Stitcher RSS Feed Antifragile (6:40) What’s the opposite of fragile? Many people think it is durable or flexible; like a pair of 15 year old jeans! This is