Past Present

Episode 299: Biden's Build Back Better Act



In this episode, Niki, Neil, and Natalia discuss the Democratic Party’s “Build Back Better” bill. Support Past Present on Patreon: Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:  The Biden administration’s proposed spending package contains some potentially transformative legislation: especially around childcare. Neil referred to this New Republic essay about the extent of the proposals, and Natalia drew on this New York Times article considering how Biden measures up to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Niki referenced this CBS News poll about voters’ levels of familiarity with the bill’s measures.   In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History: Natalia discussed Rebecca Traister’s interview with Katie Couric in The Cut. Neil shared his column for The Week, “Celebrity Endorsers Don’t Sell Merch Anymore. They Sell Morals.” Niki recommended Jonathan M. Katz’ article in The Racket, “Some Very Fine People Walked Into a Courthouse,” and