Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Best Breathing Technique For A Panic Attack



Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter:   Find out about my online anxiety recovery program:   Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!    Read an extended summary of this podcast here: Here I will show you my all time favorite breathing technique for a panic attack. If you know me, you'll know I am hands on. I don't want someone to tell me what to do, I like to try it for myself. That is how I learn, by feeling and experiencing. Show me a breathing technique and I have to try it right away to see how it feels in my body and see if I feel different after it. Give yourself the next five minutes to relax. I want you to experience this breathing technique for yourself.  Take a moment to scan yourself and see how you feel. How intense or stressed do I feel? What is on my