Wild Blue Yonder: A Novel Of The 1960s




  Liederhalle. In Deutsch, a place of song. A place to celebrate music of all kinds. This night the Mozart-Saal, one of the music halls within the beautiful Konzerthaus Liederhalle, is host to Ravi Shankar and his sitar.  Yes, Nate has seen Ravi and Allah Rakha and Ali Akbar Khan before, at Monterey Pop, but his experiences tonight – both psychedelic and otherwise – will trump anything he, in his highest moments of imagination, might have dreamt could happen. It all began when a delicate hand with long painted nails, rings with large green and red and blue stones glistening on every finger, and a lace cuff at the wrist, touched Alan’s arm. But that was not the only event of note. Whatever happened to Nate’s entry in the USAFE Short Story Contest?