Celtic Connections

2019-09-14 - Celtic Connections - 09/14/2019 - March for Their Lives Belfast



Title: March for Their Lives Belfast Host: Kathy Sinnott with guests: Fr. Patrick McCafferty, Baroness Nuala O’Loan DBE, Bernadette Smyth, Adele Best, Niamh Uí Bhriain, Fiona Rush, Sarah Haire and Rev. Jack Lamb One of the most pro-life places on earth is Northern Ireland. What is it that makes Northern Ireland so strongly pro-life when so many other nations make laws that outlaw, discriminate and kill their fellow human beings in the guise of ‘choice'? Pro-life advocates consistently witness to Christ in the public square in Northern Ireland on behalf of the unborn and their vulnerable mothers. The government in London has set in motion a law to legalise abortion up to 28 weeks for any reason whatsoever in Northern Ireland. The people are on the move to confront this evil. People are praying, fasting, and witnessing Christ in the streets and before government, demanding that justice, democracy and the cause of right be respected on behalf of the unborn. Following Mass at St. Patrick's parish Belfast, tens