Utah Sports Cast

Episode 50 – Time to Go Bowling



Listen Here! Hello Utah SportsFans and thank you for listening and reading. I would like to apologize for what will be a very brief blog entry this week. Not that anyone besides me reads them (well, Zach does), but I still wish I had time enough to offer something better. Next week we will return to regular posting with an open letter to the Brigham Young University football team. Until then, please enjoy our podcast efforts. As always, there is plenty to (hopefully), including a big win for the Utah Jazz, BYU’s season ending win, and even some local hockey. Our Top 3 in Utah for this week: T-3. Harvey Unga T-3. Jan Jorgensen 2. Andrei Kirilenko 1. Carlos Boozer We would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact us at comments@utahsportscast.com.