Utah Sports Cast

Episode 35 – A win; for Real



Listen Here!We issued the challenge, and Real Salt Lake delivered. We promised to mention RSL on our podcast if they won a game, and they made it happen. It took them over 90 days of the regular season to get it; but win they did, so we suspended our summer furlough to make good on our part of the bargain.This has not been a good year for RSL, as we mentioned in earlier podcasts and Zach described in his last post. They had actually won two games this year prior to last week’s victory over DC United, but neither counted for their league record. So to finally get that monkey off their backs is bound to be a good thing. At 1-5-6 they are still in the basement of the league, but who knows? Perhaps this is a turning point. I wouldn’t bet my house on it, but I will try to remain optimistic.It’s easy to blame the horrifying season on the departure of certain key players, although that probably doesn’t tell the whole story. It didn’t help that keeper Scott Garlick decided to retire shortly before the first g