Head-fi Podcast (head-fi.org)

Head-Fi Podcast Episode 003



This long-overdue Head-Fi Podcast Episode includes Luis' (LFF's) on-the-floor coverage of 2007 HeadFest.  LFF interviews several Head-Fi Members in attendance to get their opinions and impressions of HeadFest 2007.Thanks very much to Luis, from whom I could learn a few tips from when it comes to interviewing, and also to Joseph Cwik for helping me piece this episode together (and for the much-deserved pestering to finally get this done).This Episode is one-half of the remaining 2007 HeadFest Podcast coverage, with Episode 004 following almost immediately to conclude the coverage of 2007 HeadFest (the 2007 International Head-Fi Meet in San Jose).(This Podcast was Sponsored in part by Sennheiser USA and HHB.)